Swimming pool slides come in all sorts of sizes and prices. Slides can add a whole lot of fun to the backyard resort but be sure your pool is suited for a slide. Safety is important when considering the location and whether you can have a slide. The slide manufacturer will have guidelines to help you determine if a slide will work for you. This is another reason to deal with a reputable pool company so you don’t have to become the expert and can leave it up to the professionals.
Take into consideration as well if you have a diving board the envelope of safe diving comes into play.
The slide shown below is the original slide seen on many older pools and is still available. The costs installed for the basic slide on a new pool with additional concrete is approximately $5,000
The next evolution of slides had more dips and curves with colors that would blend in with the landscaping. We have also built rock around the slide to blend better with the backyard. These slides installed on anew pool would be in the $5,000-$8,000 range. The slide itself is only part of the cost as there is plumbing, labor to assemble and additional deck. If you compare slides on line and add the freight etc you will find the price ends up being similar.
Commercial slides can even be installed on residential pools if the pool is large enough. This pool near Birds Hill has such a slide with two Rico Rock waterfalls on each side.
Then there are custom slides to make for even more dramatic family fun. Expect to invest more into your backyard paradise if this is on your wish list. However if you consider the cost of a cottage compared to a backyard resort, you may want to add such an option. Contact Aqua-tech for a professional design and start enjoying your personal family fun retreat!