Brighten and Whiten your Pool Stairs!

As your white walk-in steps age, they become porus and will absorb pigments and tannins. This natually occurs from trace metals and organics that are in your pool. Today we are going to talk about stair whitening and how to achieve this.

Treatment for discoloration

1. Ensure your pool temperature is warmer then 78F

2. Raise your pool’s water level to above the level of staining.

3. Turn off your pool pump.

4. Pour the contents of Step Stuff: Part A (liquid) into the stair area.

5. Sprinkle the contents of Step Stuff: Part B over the stair area.

6. Leave the pump off and the water still for 8 hours (or overnight).

7. Turn the pump back on. Give the stairs a brush. The stairs should be whiter and brighter!



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