
Three Things You Didn’t Know About Bathroom Renovations!

There are different levels of quality when it comes to workmanship and attention to detail in a bathroom renovation.

When you love what you do and you spend every day year after year renovating bathrooms you are in a different league of detail.

We have 5 key tradespeople that have made their life’s work renovating bathrooms in Winnipeg.

Those details pay off for the homeowner in assurances the job is meant to last.


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The above image is one of over 1,000 bath renovation jobs we have completed.

What you don’t see in the image above is the countless details that were completed prior to the finished product.

There are 100 ways to make something cost less or corners to cut to save labour and material cost.

We have made the commitment to avoid those temptations and for that reason may seem like our price is higher than some contractors.

Fortunately for us many folks value reputation and workmanship so we have become Winnipeg’s largest bath renovator.


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If you’re like most people you’re not aware of which details can save cost at the expense of quality.

Here are 3 small examples and there are 97 more we can save for future blogs.

  • When you’re doing a basement bathroom the existing concrete floor may shift so it’s important to take precautions to avoid future issues.

In the picture below we’ve added a special mat material onto the concrete floor to act as a barrier between the new tile and the old floor.

On top of this mat we will be adding an electric Nu-heat flooring product to keep the tile warm.

It’s extra labour and materials but well worth it.


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  • We want the tile floor to be even without ridges caused by one tile slightly higher than the other.

To accomplish this we use the  Leveltec product for more accurate joint spacing and level floors.


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  • A bathroom fan is critical to a proper bathroom remodel. There are often challenges to get the vent piping installed and many ways to cut corners resulting in an inferior final product.

That’s one reason we look at the site prior to quoting.

Our Panasonic fans have an option to hook up to either 3” or 4” vent pipe. Our installers will set the CFM switch on the fan to suit the vent size.


It’s only with experience and a commitment to quality that these and the many other details can be properly addressed.

Contact us for your free estimate today!





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